#HatWallWednesday Stories Vol.2

an interview series with Goorin collectors

#HatWallWednesday Stories Vol.2

Since we interact with so many hat-lovers on our social media channels, Nicky (our social media and community manager), started asking frequent Goorin collectors about their collections, why they love hats, and to share what their hat walls at home look like! 

Our next interview in this #hatwallwednesday series is with JC Legorreta aka LORD GOORIN, who's current Farm collection is up to 160 hats! JC is originally from Mexico City and currently resides in Mansfield, TX.  Check out the interview with Nicky and JC below!

Q: When did you begin your Goorin Bros adventure? Is there a story behind it? // A: Mi historia comenzó en el año 2019 al ver a un cantante que portaba una gorra Goorin Bros, el tenía la Gorra de Lady y de ahí empecé a investigar acerca de la  marca. Quede maravillado al ver la extensa colección y colores de las gorras. Desde ahí comencé a sentirme identificado con algunos animales , comencé comprando 1 o 2 x semana y después 10 al mes. / My story began in 2019 when I saw a singer wearing a Goorin Bros cap, he had the Lady's Cap and from there I began to investigate the brand. I was amazed at the extensive collection and colors of the caps. From there I began to feel identified with some animals, I started buying 1 or 2 x week and then 10 a month.

Q: When did you begin to realize you were starting a collection? // A: Me di cuenta que comencé mi colección cuando empecé a enamorarme más de mis gorras, ya que las colgué en mi pared y cada día buscaba una que se identificara con mi ánimo del día y querer verme cada día con una gorra diferente, mi meta es tener 365 gorras, una para cada día del año. / I realized that I started my collection when I started to fall more in love with my caps, since I hung them on my wall and every day I looked for one that would identify with my mood of the day and want to see myself every day with a different cap, my goal is to have 365 caps, one for each day of the year.

Q: Was there a mind-shift somewhere along the way where you knew you were about to embark on something bigger? // A: Por un momento no pero después me sentí frustrado porque no sabía cuántos modelos había en la colección , y no los encontraba en ningún lado. Al verme frustrado de no saber cuantos modelos son , comencé a buscar a otros coleccionistas en las plataformas entonces me volví más ambicioso en que mi colección siguiera creciendo . Y al ver como una simple gorra te permite conocer a otra persona que jamás pensaste cruzar una palabra. / Not for a moment but then I was frustrated because I didn't know how many models were in the collection, and I couldn't find them anywhere. When I was frustrated with not knowing how many models there are, I began to look for other collectors on the platforms, then I became more ambitious for my collection to continue growing. And seeing how a simple cap allows you to meet another person that you never thought to cross a word

Q: What are these hats fulfilling from within that has made you keep going and adding to your collection? // A: Cumplen con la calidad, diseño, versatilidad y variedad de colores y animales . Cuando veo cada parche me hace pensar en las miles de personas que han trabajado en cada detalle de el bordado. Y esto me hace seguir coleccionando y me dijo a mi mismo que The Goorin Bros , The Farm Collection es moda, es un estilo a mi persona / They comply with the quality, design, versatility and variety of colors and animals. When I see each patch it makes me think of the thousands of people who have worked on every detail of the embroidery. And this makes me continue collecting and I told myself that  Goorin Bros, The Farm Collection is fashion, it is a style for me.Q: What are your top three favorite hats that you own? // A: Mis 3 gorras favoritas son Deadly, Champion & Hunter / My favorite hats are Deadly, Champion, and Hunter

Q: Any that you missed or think we should bring back or make for the first time? // A: Me he perdido de algunas porque no me han gustado , ya sea el color o el animal pero pienso que la de La colección norturla El Trash & Savage  me gustaría que la volvieran a tener.  Me gustaría que crearan una de Panda, Mantis & fénix !! / I've missed some of them because I didn't like them, be it the color or the animal, but I think that the one from The Norturla El Trash & Savage collection I would like them to have again. I would like you to create one of Panda, Mantis & Phoenix !!

Q: You are a brand ambassador. How has that been going // A: Mi experiencia siendo embajador de la marca me hace sentir feliz porque tengo algunos privilegios como comprador y tengo contacto con algunos coleccionistas en diferentes partes del mundo y gente que habla y le gusta Goorin Bros. / My experience being a brand ambassador makes me feel happy because I have some privileges as a buyer and I have contact with some collectors in different parts of the world and people who speak and like Goorin Bros.

Q: Any message you wanted to give to our customers about why you choose Goorin and why you choose to continue adding more and more hats to your collection. // A: Yo escogí Goorin Bros porque para mi es un estilo de vida, y quiero motivarlos a que si ven una gorra que les guste no duden en comprarla porque son piezas limitadas y auténticas. Goorin Bros no es solo una marca si no un estilo, es una gorra que te de seguridad y donde vallas con una Goorin marcas la diferencia. / I chose Goorin Bros because for me it is a way of life, and I want to motivate you that if you see a cap that you like, do not hesitate to buy it because they are limited and authentic pieces. Goorin Bros is not just a brand but a style, it is a cap that gives you security and where you go with a Goorin you make a difference.

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